The Silly (Halloween) Season Has Started

Just one of these for flavor: Cindy Kaie, self-righteous principal of Kohl Elementary School in Broomfield, Colorado, has decreed “no Halloween party.”

In a newsletter sent home to parents, Principal Cindy Kaier wrote that the traditional Halloween party celebrated in classrooms each year will be replaced by a fall party on Friday.

And because the party is focused on fall, not Halloween, children can’t wear costumes.

Parents expressed frustration that they weren’t included in the decision.

Consult the parents? Whatever for? Are they qualified? Do they have advanced degrees in education?

A Denver-area blogger listened to her on a radio talk show and wrote about “control mania.”

I heard part of an interview with this Kohl Elementary School principal on a local radio program this morning. Listening to Principal Cindy Kaier would make any normal person retch — politically correct drivel, educrat-ese jargon, and a smug “we know best” attitude oozed out of this woman’s mouth — this is precisely why public confidence in public education is deteriorating. How teachers who genuinely want to teach and instill the joy of learning in children can stand to work for a self-approving functionary like this is beyond my understanding.

(And that’s coming from a Green Party member, not a Rush Limbaugh clone!)

The article was not exactly clear about the cause of the ban. Does “not leaving anyone out” mean “not offending rabid Christians”? Or what?