When I hear the word ‘transgressive,’ I cock my Browning*

University Diaries has a great entry (18 April) on a tempest in a creative-writing teapot at San Francisco’s Academy of Art University.

What caught my attention was her reference to Paul Fussell’s book Class. Although he later claimed, perhaps disingenously, that he wrote the book as a joke, it remains one of few accessible studies of a social issue that is more taboo to discuss in America than are fantasies of being a serial killer.

* from a line by the German playwright Hanns Johst, “Wenn ich Kultur h?re … entsichere ich meinen Browning,” often wrongly attributed to Air Marshall Goering of the Third Reich and translated as “When I hear the word Culture, I reach for my revolver.”

(As some of my regular readers know, John Browning [1855-1926] is more known for designing the 1911 Colt .45 automatic pistol.)