When you visit a university library that uses Library of Congress call numbers, are you tired of finding books on Wicca in the BF’s along with abnormal psychology?
(For example, my book Her Hidden Children is at BF1566 .C55 2006. At least The Paganism Reader made it into the BL’s, the religion category.
But now, according to a professional librarian on one of the lists that I read, things are changing:
It took them long enough…. but not nearly as long as the change from Moving pictures to Motion pictures.
If anyone cares, here’s what the official subject heading looks like, complete with cross reference and literary warrant:
053 0BP605.W53
150 Wicca
450 Wica
550 Neopaganism
550 Witchcraft
And there’s now a specific LC classification number as well. Dewey number is 299.94.