Ecotheology recognizes Paganism

Graham Harvey of the Open University in Britain has guest-edited the latest issue of Ecotheology: The Journal of Religion, Nature and the Environment, which has a new subtitle and a new publisher, Equinox Publishing Ltd., London.

Ecotheology, which formerly had a largely Christian focus, is now broadening its reach, and the latest issue “aims to consider the ways in which places have influenced or perhaps actively engaged with the evolution of particular religions, and the ways in which religious people have engaged with particular places,” to quote Harvey’s introduction.

Contents include these articles:

“Orchestrating Sacred Space: Beyond the ‘Social Construction’ of Nature” by Adrian Ivakhiv

“Imagining Gaia: Perspectives and Prospects on Gaia, Science and Religion” by Grant H. Potts

“Smokey and Sacred: Nature Religion, Civil Religion, and American Paganism” by Chas S. Clifton

“‘Gaia told me to do it’: Resistance and the Idea of Nature within Contemporary British Eco-paganism” by Andy Letcher

“Reclaiming the Ecoerotic: Celebrating the Body and the Earth” by Sylvie Shaw

“Covenanting Nature: aquacide and the Transformation of Knowledge” by Laura Donaldson.