Jane Austen in Woad

I had a long and not terribly encouraging talk with my editor at Rowman & Littlefield last week about a book project involving SF/fantasy and Paganism.

Then I walked to another building on campus, where students from the English Club were selling used books and baked goods. A copy of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Forest House (1993), the prequel to Mists of Avalon, more or less jumped out at me, and for fifty cents I bought it.

Bradley said it was partly based on Bellini’s opera woad.

Imagine: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single Druid in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”

Have I changed so much since I was rather caught up in Mists? Should I blame the alleged ghost-writing by Diana Paxson? (Warning: lugubrious music on link.)

The book’s allegedly Pagan religion is awfully Protestant. People go around saying things like, “Goddess forgive my sin.”
