Llewellyn Takes on a School Board

Llewellyn, the largest New Age/Pagan/astrological publisher in the US, has pushed a North Carolina school board into a corner. When the board said that “religious groups” could distribute “scripture” in the school’s, Llewellyn’s publicist decided that the works of Silver Ravenwolf would qualify as well.

Jason Pitzl-Waters has the details.

The whole issue reminds me of the plot line of Heathens Idolize School Prayer, one of the Chick-style pamphlets distributed by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church.

It’s been almost a decade since I was working with Llewellyn, and everyone whom I knew there has since moved on, except the Weschckes, who own the company. Carl Weschcke has always taken a slightly messianic view of his business, which is not a bad thing for a publisher to do. But he does so while looking at the bottom line.

“The move was definitely more of an educational motive than a political motive,” says the publicist. Yes, and, if successful, it’s reaching the teen and young-adult customer base that Llewellyn targets.

This calls for a Glenn Reynolds-ish “heh.”
