Wiccan children running wild

Apparently Wiccans are now a go-to minority group. I just got an email from someone with Ricochet Television soliciting my help in locating Wiccan families with rowdy kids who might want to appear on Supernanny

That’s the show in which “supernanny” Jo Frost sets things right by emphasizing household responsibility, regular family meals, and other such startling concepts.

It’s all about “diversity,” don’t you know:

We’re very interested in having a fully diverse group of families on the show this season, including non-traditional families, Wiccan families, etc.

I don’t know how much the producers pay people in return for having their child-rearing problems broadcast around the English-speaking world, but I will ask, and if I find out, I will update this post.

But will it be like Wife Swap? Probably.

UPDATE: As promised, here are some excerpts of the Ricochet Television staffer’s response to my questions about “Why Wicca?” and “How much money?”

Religion doesn’t play a role in the show, any more than geographic location. By that I mean that Jo [Frost, the “supernanny”] doesn’t address religion directly any more than she says “you live in the mountains, let’s talk about that”. That being said, as I’m sure you agree, the philisophical framework that a family has, much like their environment, effects many of the choices they make and attitudes they have. When I say we’d like to get more diverse families on the show, this is exactly what we mean, people and families who can offer perspectives that arise from their diverse circumstances, even if those circumstances are not a direct focus of the show.

I’m not at all certain what that means. Apparently religion does not matter except when it makes participants “diverse,” and then it does.

there is a stipend we offer to re-imburse families for any time off work, expenses incurred, etc. It’s minimal, a few thousand dollars. We typically hesitate to mention it when casting, for a couple reasons: 1) we normally don’t need to; families who’ve seen the show, and know the show recognize that it really is a service that we provide, and 2) the mention of money tends to attract families who want to do it solely for the money. These families are not who we’re looking for, and it tends to waste our time and theirs.

I think that that could be translated as “We want pure exhibitionists, not exhibitionists who are motivated by money.”

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