Passing of a Priestess

Madge Worthington, one of the pillars of Gardnerian Wicca in England, died in November just before her 91st birthday.

Prudence Jones of the Pagan Federation wrote of her in a 90th-birthday tribute:

Madge had come into contact with the Craft in the early 1960s, when she was in her 40s. Here at last was a natural, life-affirming religion, not burdened down with sin and guilt in the way that Christianity seemed to be. Beauty and pleasure were seen as sacred, and Witches were encouraged to be at one with the tides of nature–rather literally in Madge’s case. Brought up in various parts of the old Empire, she had sailed a dinghy from an early age. When she married and settled by the Thames she mortified the male yachtsmen in her area by taking part in their annual race and beating them all by a huge stretch of clear water.

The late Maureen Brown wrote of her as part of the same tribute article:

The most notable thing about her is her love and respect for nature, the Earth and the animals; she has been active in the Green Movement and has over the years donated a small fortune to animal charities.

In 1971 she hosted the first meeting of what became the Pagan Front, forerunner of today’s UK Pagan Federation. An online shrine was constructed in her memory here.
