One thought on “2012 AAR “Call” Now Online

  1. One prompt mentions Pagan “praxology” as a concept to replace Pagan theology.

    Is this prompt referring to theology and praxology as methods or disciplines for use in the study of Paganism? (For example, looking at something like Praxeology, Behavorism, or Methodological Individualism instead of a theological method, such as that described by Salomonsen in Pom 8, Spring 1999, p4.)

    Or is the prompt aiming more at how Pagans have used concepts of theology vs. praxis? (For example, “orthopraxy” as a way of conceptualizing a community with theological diversity. Pagan use of “theology” synonymous with authoritarian dogma, etc.)

    Or is this aimed at examining institutionalized training of “Pagan clergy,” such as Cherry Hill Seminary?

    All of the above? (That would be the most fun…)

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