Pagan Social Media and the Parliament of the World’s Religions

Jason Pitzl-Waters posts a round-up of blogs, video, and other social media from the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

I clicked the links, and so far what I have seen is pretty bland. Talking-heads video is bland even when they are our talking heads. But maybe we will see some more engaged and personal writing as the event progresses and as people reflect on it.

Although it’s not my scene, I applaud those Pagans who want to do this kind of work. I could see myself note-taking at some of the sessions, for my own writing purposes.

And wow, what what a great place to play Flowing Robes Bingo. I wonder if anyone brought the bingo cards.

2 thoughts on “Pagan Social Media and the Parliament of the World’s Religions

  1. Hecate

    what what a great place to play Flowing Robes Bingo. I wonder if anyone brought the bingo cards.

    LOL! Brought back fond memories from law school.

  2. Chas S. Clifton

    It's getting harder and harder to fill my card at American Academy of Religion annual meetings. All I got last time was a Buddhist nun and a Greek (?) Orthodox priest.

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