Gaulimaufry to Fill Space 2

Still too busy to write the really startling post that’s in my head. So here some more links.

¶ “White folks Was Wild Once Too” — The video, in case you missed it.

¶ You thought that Lord of the Rings was about a Quest? Actually, it illuminates questions of property law as well.

¶ The Druidbook blog discusses homegrown American polytheism. I like this approach.

¶ You could call these people a sort of priesthood of the dead.

¶ An online petition for a European Pagan Memory Day. Interesting idea, but do online petitions ever accomplish anything? And do signatures of people not living in Europe help or hurt?

¶ Watch this, and you will never think of Bollywood music videos in the same way again.

¶ Contrary to what you probably have read, the Thuggees of early 19th-century India may not have been Kali worshippers at all.

¶ A definitive list of fluffy and non-fluffy Paganisms? It’s a wiki, so you can jump into the discussion. UPDATE: Comment on the list here.