I’ve been working on a section about American Pagan Druids today. First, let me say that I am so glad that I do not have to do anything on British Druids, since in the UK there are two hundred years’ worth of self-proclaimed various Druidic groups of all sorts, from the merely fraternal to the seriously Pagan to the almost self-parodying sort. Fortunately, Ronald Hutton has a new book out, Witches, Druids, and King Arthur, which I now have on order.
The best resource that I know of remains Isaac Bonewits’ web site. Although he did not become involved until six years after the “We’re not really a religion” Reformed Druids began at Carleton College, he remains the central figure of the revival in this country, having devoted more nearly forty years to it–editing journals, writing songs, creating organizations, creating ritual, networking and more networking, creating Web sites. . .
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