Back in Taos, Layers of Memories

Back in Taos, New Mexico, to visit old friends, I keep walking past my favorite hangout of years past, Caffé Tazza on Kit Carson Road. It closed in 2018, I think and it had been going downhill from its slightly entheogenic-esoteric height. The food offerings diminished, the interior became grubbier, and the baristas bathed less frequently — but the coffee was always good.

The town’s adobe (and pseudo-adobe) architecture owes something to the Pueblo Indians but also to the Middle East; after all, “adobe” is a loanword from Arabic—and maybe from Coptic into Arabic before that.1

Caffé Tazza, like the gracefully aging El Pueblo Motel, was a favorite place reading, and I like to think that sometimes architecture influences your receptivity to certain ideas.

And now off to the Harwood Museum to look at lowriders and santos.

I often meet my own ghost.
Exterior, Cafe Tazza, Kit Carson Road, Taos
Caffe Tazza as it was, maybe around 2015.
The same building in 2021, empty.
Interior doorway, about 2016 — or any time in the previous two decades.
The back pato, where you might hear conversation in New-Age Spanglish: “Vamos a pensar en how to manifest that.”
  1. Surprise, al-tob means “the brick.” []