I am punting on this post, referring you instead to this one by John Beckett on this year’s new holiday (greeting cards will be available next year, I am sure): “Celebrating Wolfenoot as a Pagan.”
Yesterday I celebrated my friendship with A Certain Dog by cleaning up all the piles of vomit he created, indoors and out in the dog run, after eating . . . a bunch of deer parts he found in the woods, near as I can tell. Plus his breakfast.
I tried telling him that he did not have to eat it all at once, but could bring some home in his carrion bag. Did he listen?
Great! This goes along with National Cat Day (https : // en . wikipedia . org / wiki / National_Cat_Day)
On a different note: a friend sent this to me which I thought was quite interesting: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sacred-groves-an-ancient-tradition-of-nature-conservation/