Information on the upcoming Family, Home, and Ways of Life: Living Paganisms in a Globalized World conference in Krakow, Poland, 24-25 March 2017, may be found at this link.
Presentations may address various issues within the following (suggested) topics:
- Everyday life of contemporary Pagans
- Understanding human relationships: from till death do us part to polyamory
- Living in a Pagan family: the ‘second/third generation’ Pagans
- Celebrating rites de passage in contemporary Paganism
- Pagan fashion on a daily basis and ritual dress-codes
- Pagan home altars, sacred images in the home
- Sacred space: public and private
- Upbringing children in Pagan traditions
- Are there any specific Pagan hobbies? Music, historical re-enactment, etc.
- Pagans and the Television: Game of Thrones, Vikings, etc.
- Reading preferences & contemporary Pagan literature
- Pagans and new technologies
- Pagans in the workplace
- Paganism and/vs globalization and consumerism