Egyptian Reconstructionists Won’t Like This

(Trigger Warning: Texas, iced tea, demons)

From D Magazine in Dallas: “The Exorcists Next Door,” a profile piece on two Protestant exorcists.

Dozens of what appear to be demons manifest and depart during this day’s session. Larry coaxes out their names and functions, a veritable pantheon of entities known and obscure: Maranthia, who cuts wicked deals; Horus, Egypt’s falcon-headed god; Molech, who the Bible describes as “the detestable god of the Ammonites.”

What, the god of kings has sunk to possessing “the soft frame of a 38-year-old suburban mom we’ll call Ruth”?

5 thoughts on “Egyptian Reconstructionists Won’t Like This

  1. Whenever I see references to the biblical Ammonites, I can never help think of the fossil cephalopods, which always puts a much more Lovecraftian spin on matters.

  2. Response to Peculiar: LOL!!!! Good comment. Personally I think those “demons” are really Goa’ulds (and for those of you scratching your head, it’s a Stargate reference. ::smile::)

    • I saw the first Stargate film, but that was in 1994, or so Wikipedia tells me, so I don’t remember the Goa’ulds. Or is that they were only in the TV series?

      • It’s in the series. Good premise, sometimes good execution although towards the end there they got a little off track. It’s a fun thing to watch if you just want to have fun and not anything serious.

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