The process to submit papers for the Contemporary Pagan Studies Group’s sessions at next November’s American Academy of Religion meeting is now open. The submission deadline is March 3, 2014.
More information and links can be found here.
Call for Papers
We invite individual papers, papers, sessions, and roundtable proposals related to all aspects of Pagan studies (including historic) from different parts of the globe. We welcome papers using diverse methodologies: theoretical and practical, qualitative and quantitative, normative and descriptive. In addition to proposals on topics generally in the purview of this group, this year we especially welcome proposals that address the following for possible cosponsored sessions with other groups:
• Sexuality and gender politics in contemporary Paganism (for a possible cosponsored session with the Women and Religion Section): We seek papers on the critical analysis of women, gender roles, and ideals about women in the contemporary Pagan movement. Possible topics include but are not limited to: ideals about motherhood as envisioned in stories of the divine versus lived parenting, explicit critiques of Western gender and power dynamics in Contemporary Paganism, analysis of gender politics in small groups (e.g., How does the idealized, authoritative high priestess (role manifest in social relations in groups?), analysis of gender ideals versus lived realities and what this means for group cohesion and stability, analysis of British Traditional Witchcraft ideals and the reality of homosexuality in Paganism, analysis of gender fluidity in practice (e.g., Can an effeminate male be high priestesses or take “women’s roles,” and how does this affect group dynamics?). Other topic proposals are welcome.
• Exploring sexual identity and conversion in today’s shifting paradigms (for a cosponsored session with Gay Men and Religion Group; Lesbian-Feminist Issues and Religion Group; Men and Masculinities Group; Religions Conversions Group)
• New animism and ritual assemblies with the other-than-human (possible cosponsorship with Ritual Studies Group and Religion and Ecology Group). Graham Harvey’s recently edited volume, The Handbook of Contemporary Animism (Acumen, 2013) opens possibilities for dialog among many religious traditions about humans’ relationships with the other-than-human or nonhuman world. This panel seeks papers that engage with the concept of the New Animism from multiple perspectives.
• Contemporary Paganism as “lived religion”: We seek papers for a methodologically oriented panel exploring how religiosity shapes the values and practices of people in their everyday lives. How do our religious views help us to create meanings and take action in the world, how do individuals shape and create practice, and what are the wider social and cultural contexts in which religiosity functions?