Mojo and Materiality: 300 Goddesses

The bulk of Morning Glory Zell's goddess-image collection is in these cabinets.

After Isis Oasis and Lucky Mojo, the final stop on the pre-AAR annual meeting “Mojo and Materiality” tour was the home of Oberon and Morning Glory Zell of the Church of All Worlds.

They contribute to Pagan “materiality” through through their business, Mythic Images, which features Oberon’s and other designers’ statues, plaques, and jewelry.

But they also have a huge collection of occult and Pagan-related images and objects of their own, gathered and created over the past forty-some years.

Morning Glory uses these images in workshops on the Divine Feminine, and is prepared to discuss the stories, cultus, and relationships of each one. We did not have time for a full workshop, of course, but she gave a sort of hands-on meta-presentation about how she does them.

My only regret is that the sun had set, so we could not see the grounds and outside shrines.