Stephanie Shea’s Rejected Religion((“Rejected” here meaning esoteric or occult.)) recently offered an episode, “Astrology and Data Science,” on the The Ratio Project and its founder, Katy Bohinc.((Not to be confused with Microsoft’s Project Ratio, which is some attempt to categorize and cross-reference All That Is Known.))
Similar to the work of Michel Gauquelin, French statistician and astrologer, The Ratio is now attempting to gather as much ‘big data’ as possible in order to test common assumptions and understandings within Astrology, as well as possibly offering up new patterns of human traits and behaviors, as well as deeper understandings of astrological charts.
Bohinc describes The Ratio Project as collecting astrological data and looking for patterns.
In 2021 I founded The Ratio, which studies astrology with data science. The Ratio continues a 2,500+ year old, universal math problem. I believe there is indeed music in the spheres, and wish to experience it personally. We have the data and technology now to approach astrology – which began for humanity all of mathematics – with contemporary eyes! Aren’t you curious?
Here is another interview with her on the Rendering Unconscious podcast.
If you enter your birth data, you will get your Sun sign, Moon sign, and rising sign, together with a short video about your celebrity astro-twin.((In case you were wondering, mine was Agnes Varda
, French film director and part of the “New Wave” of the 1950s–60s.))
But there is one problem. The Ratio Project’s form ask for your birthplace with no provision for entering latitude and longitude.
Back when I spoke Astrology more fluently, I used a big book with the latitude and longitude of every post office in the US. Evidently, they don’t. The little Colorado town where I was born is not in their database, even though it’s a county seat.
Nor was the next larger town down the highway. I had to use the coordinates of a town 40 miles away, and even then, the site insisted that my rising sign was different from what every other astrologer has said that it was. So I had to play with the data a little bit.
ALSO: In the interview Bohic promises an amazing astrological event in March . So it’s the 11th . . . tick tick tick.
If I ever wanted to waste blank brain cells studying some subject currently unknown to me, it would be cosmology or physics, not astrology! It was bullshit 4,000 years ago, and now it’s 4,000 year old bullshit, and unlike wine it does not improve with age. I’m serious, Chas, you can pull any correlation you want to out of the stars and planets, even if you have to get down to grains of dust orbiting the Sun to do it! Plus, I’ve known three astrologers really well. One smoked more pot than I do and got sent to jail for beating his wife. The second exposed his genital to a group of teenage women, who were not amused. The third was a “psychic vampire” who sucked energy off me and my first wife while she stayed with us; we were glad to see her go! Show me something about astrology to make me believe, and I will consider it, hopefully objectively!
Interesting article! It’s fascinating to see how data science is being used to explore astrology and uncover new patterns of human behavior. Perhaps this is FINALLY the first step toward bringing science and faith back together again, and then we will finally have our biggest breakthroughs yet. Thanks for writing this!
Kiddo Elliott