Pomegranate 10.2 published

The new issue of The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies is now back from the printer. This issue, vol. 10, no. 2, is not yet on the Web site but will be soon.

Table of Contents

“The Love which Dare not Speak its Name: An Examination of Pagan Symbolism and Morality in Fin de siècle Decadent Fiction”
Kelly Anne Reid

“Landscape Archaeology, Paganism, and the Interpretation of Megaliths”
Jessica Beck and Stephen Chrisomalis

“The Goddess and the Virgin: Materiality in Western Europe”
Amy Whitehead

“The Prevailing Circumstances: The Pagan Philosophers of Athens in a Time of Stress”
Emilie F. Kutash

“Polycentric Polytheism and the Philosophy of Religion”
Edward P. Butler

“Re-crafting the Past: The Complex Relationship between Myth and Ritual in the Contemporary Pagan Reshaping of Eleusis”
Maria Beatrice Bittarello

“Expanding Religious Studies: The Obsolences of the Sacred/Secular Framework for Pagan, Earthen, and Indigenous Religion, Part 2: Re-thinking the Concept of ‘Religion’ and ‘Maturi’ as a New Scheme”
Mikirou Zitukawa and Michael York

Individual articles can be ordered from the Web site. Book reviews may be downloaded for free in PDF form.