All the Books Set in Glastonbury

Ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, destroyed at the orders of Henry VIII

Ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, destroyed at the orders of Henry VIII (Wikimedia Commons).

From  Vicki Steward’s  blog Normal For Glastonbury: Life in the Oddest Town in England, a list of all the novels set in Glastonbury.

There some Phil Rickman titles there that I had missed, possibly because they were categorized as YA and published under a different name.

Marion Zimmer Bradley, of course, Faye Weldon, and lots of others. And the heavyweight, John Cowper Powys’ A Glastonbury Romance. Unlike Vicki Steward, I  have read it. It is odd and complex, but so was he.

2 thoughts on “All the Books Set in Glastonbury

  1. Can’t remember the reason why, but I remember reading John Cowper Powys’ A Glastonbury Romance years ago. One of the strangest books I’ve ever read and I’ve read a lot of strange books. 🙂

    • You know, after reading your 2014 post about A Glastonbury Romance, I may just go back and reread it again. It was very complex and confusing to me and maybe it’s the complexity that’s confusing me, although I thought his ending was strange. Anyhow. Thanks for reminding me about this book.

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