New from Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Ascendant: Modern Essays on Polytheism and Theology. From the publisher:
Monotheistic assumptions so pervade our culture that even those few people born into polytheist religions (or those who grew up with no religion at all) cannot help but be influenced by them.
Polytheology raises questions that cannot be adequately addressed by answers originally developed in a monotheistic context. Because polytheism is inherently open to variation, the goal of polytheology is not to arrive at a single truth so much as to elucidate the possibilities, to honor and embrace differences, to explore the nature of the Gods and their relationship to humanity. These philosophical ideas provide a greater understanding of the Cosmos, Gods and humanity, and topics such as morality, mortality, and myth.
The contributors are Edward P. Butler, Patrick Dunn, John Michael Greer, Brandon Hensley, Wayne Keysor, Gwendolyn Reece, and Samuel Wagar.
It can go on my short but good modern polytheistic theology shelf, along with Michael York’s Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion, Jordan Paper’s The Deities Are Many: A Polytheistic Theology, and John Michael Greer’s A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism.
I do not call myself a theologian, but I do want to know what the new Pagan theologians are doing!
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The book that shifted my own Pagan polytheism from strongly felt yet inarticulate to strongly felt and articulate was Alain Danielou’s HINDU POLYTHEISM. I read it in college. It enabled me to address polytheism as a realm of possibilities that ranges beyond “one or many” to include “both and maybe more than both.”
For myself, I held that polytheistic practice was more central to Paganism than polytheistic theology. But I am pleased that thoughtful and experienced Pagans are taking it on.